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Who we are at Ultracapacitor Investment

Team behind UltraCap Limited

The team behind this new electric vehicle battery technology of Ultracapacitor Investment Ltd. Headed up by Professor Vladimir Krstic and Nico van Dongen, the duo have spent the last three years working on a new and advanced form of ultra capacitor – an electronic component that can be used to develop a revolutionary new electric vehicle battery, completely unlike anything else that currently exists.

Professor Dr. Vladimir D. Krstic

Co-founder of Ultracapacitor Investment Ltd, Dr. Krstic has been an internationally recognized professor at Queen’s University since 1987. Previously, Prof. Krstic had a long history in government and private sector funded projects, completing more than 30 such ventures funded by federal and provincial programs, as well as private sector companies. The professor is well known for his research in the area of ceramics and particulate composites with his work published in many reputable journals.

This unique combination of technical expertise of the single layer ultracapacitor and experience within the metal and electrical engineering sectors, particularly in relation to R&D and project management has led to this ground breaking innovation – a new and advanced type of ultra capacitor – one that’s now ready to be put to use in a practical application. While we have identified many practical uses for the technology, initially, we aim to use the device to develop an advanced storage battery to power electric vehicles and trucks such as Renault, Scania and Volvo.

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