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Superior Performance ultracapacitor technology

The experimental work over the past two years consisted of three steps.

The first step centred on the development of bulk capacitor ceramics with high capacitance/dielectric constant to be used as reference materials.In contrast to Eestor technology, which has a very basic low dielectric constant of 18,000 against our latest milestone of 16 million.

The second step centred on the development of high surface area ceramics with improved charge storage capabilities.

The third step will centre on the development dielectric films on metal substrate with good adherence to the metal substrate and possessing no pitting or discontinuities responsible for decrease in capacitance. We will use a novel ultrasound technology for mixing and grain refinement.

The powder was pressed and fired at various temperatures ranging to produce dense non-porous samples.The samples were then electroded and tested for capacitance (C), dielectric constant (K), dielectric loss (loss tan) and temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC).

A Significantly higher dielectric constant than Eestor was achieved with samples as shown in Fig. 1 at the left. (Click image to enlarge).

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