- High dielectric ultracapacitor for EV, Trucks & Solar
- Monday - Friday : 09:00 - 19:00
- Østerbrogade 226 st. tv., DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
4 Minutes Charging Ultracapacitor for Electric Cars & Solar Panels
Due to ever increasing demand for solar panel energy storage and its transport, there is a need for a new generation of Image: materials and devices capable of storing large amounts of electric energy without problems associated with disposal and environmental pollution.
Historically, the acid based batteries have been the most common way to store electrical energy. However, this technology has always been limited by its slow charging time and degradation of performance after a relatively small number of charge cycles.
High energy density solid sate capacitors (recently called “ultra capacitors”) overcome the drawbacks of standard acid-based batteries by exhibiting charge times measured in seconds, and a small decrease in performance over millions of cycles.
Our conclusive three-year research program focuses on the development of a new generation of high capacitance ceramics with electric charge storage capabilities far exceeding those of existing ceramics. In three years, we will be able to fully test our prototype.
We can make the ceramic di-electric much thinner and lighter without losing electrical capacity and create pocket size car batteries in the near future.’ The technology has the potential to revolutionize the way electrical energy is stored and transported. Due to high energy density and small size, it will be possible to charge the device far away from urban areas where electricity is abundant and inexpensive and then transport it to urban areas where it is needed the most.
The current goal for renewable energy is to derive a third of total energy from renewable resources by 2023. We may well fall far short of that target unless improved technologies are developed.
Converting solar energy into electrical power is an established technology, and solar farms are a common sight worldwide. While there are various ways of converting sunlight into electrical energy, the most common are solar thermal energy plants and photovoltaics.
Solar thermal energy plants concentrate solar radiation using lenses and mirrors and use the heat to drive steam turbines
Photovoltaics exploit the phenomenon that when semiconductors absorb photons of a certain frequency the energy excites electrons from the valence into the conduction band leaving holes in the valence band. The photovoltaic cell consists of a PN junction, so the electrons move to the N side and the holes to the P side. When a circuit is formed between the two sides, electrical current will flow and can be used to power a load.
Here our focus is on photovoltaics and how in combination with ultracapacitors and in particular SSESD they provide an optimum solution for the generation of renewable energy.
60% of the prototype is now ready!
Prerequisite of a low weight energy storage device is a very high dielectric constant. We have made of new material with a dielectric constant of several millions. The highest ever reported in open literature.
Investors are welcome to join us. Ask for more info now.